Thursday, April 30, 2009

Rediscovering life in India

Now, it has been more than a couple of months since I returned to India. Since that blissful night when I couldn't control my peeping teeth inside my mouth, seeing my plane landing in the Bangalore airport... Simple things look so beautiful to me these days- just because they are so unique to my place. For example, when I was in the train, back home to trichy , I admired the passion and creativity with which Indians build their "Own house". As though these houses had never existed before... And then, in March, I was staying in a rented house with Yogi, one friend..And we relished the "nila soru" one night... What's a candle light dinner in comparison to nilaa soru... Next night was a beautiful, windy and drizzling one.. How I enjoyed myself in the terrace, dancing about like a typical tamil heroine always does!!! And this weekend, I was back to Samarthanam.... You know how flattering it is, when beautiful-hearted kids flatter you with compliments that you really dont deserve... Ok, ok, I understand how boring it can get when u try to blog something that happened months back.. I'll try to blog more regularly, hereon...

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