Thursday, April 30, 2009

Introspection, and trip to Seattle- Jan 2009

I cannot believe that out of my one year in Toronto, there have been only as many as fifteen days when I did not
have to switch on the stove! All of a sudden, luxury has been redefined for me- as not having to cook.. And not having to take the bus when I step out of the house. As having someone to plan the day for you…Having someone to wake you up.. and remind u to have breakfast!

It was very different an year back! Whining about the food in the PG. Taking an auto to office when I feel like. Beginning my day whenever I want to. Taking a trip home when I feel like it. Chatting with a roommate until 2 in the morning.

I don’t mean to say I am leading a hectic life 24 hours a day, no I cant even do that. But I mean to say I am leading a
life I hadn’t envisaged an year back! But which I took up with an elegant, matter-of-factly attitude when it came to me. I should confess that it was interesting in the beginning. Having the liberty to truly own your day and home. But in some time, it got tiresome. Managing work & domestic chores & the cruel weather…And it’s only human that you can’t just live with the love and care of people thousands of miles away, for 365 days in a row. Sometimes, you need someone’s shoulder, right here, right now...

I used to believe I can live anywhere, alone, acclimatizing myself to whatever the situation demands. I have proved myself wrong more than once. For yes, I can live, but not very cozily, till I make friends in my new environment. My problem is my own innocence and keep-it-simple attitude. For when I talk about friends, I mean it. I mean people who r there for me, who will place my interests at par with theirs, while I do the same. And it takes a while to find such friends. It took me a couple of years to feel at home in college, an year to feel secure in Bangalore and not yet, in Toronto. This is a fact which I assimilated only a few months back!!

Ok, that’s enough philosophy for a while! Lemme tell u how my trip was. Waiting in the terminal, flying alone and getting through the jet lag are not particularly my cup of tea. But sleeping in a cozy bed, being woken at 10 in the morning to have a brunch, getting into a car & going on a trip perfectly taken care of by someone I trust are! So did my days go, carefree and with an option to take responsibility only when I want to. One day we went skiing. It was painful, the shoes were hard on me, the skiis were naughty, yet it was fun- out there in the snow, falling down and getting up, with someone to guide u all the way, and ask u if u r doing okay!!! I should mention that half my days went in online shopping- trying to shop electronics from Canada in the boxing day discounts! Almost the rest half went in shopping in the US- Going to scores of shops to shop a few picky things. Poor things my bro & sis-in-law, though! I appreciate their helpless patience!
One day we went to the Snoqualmie water falls, and then drove back long miles to the Deception pass (a strait), only to find that it was too dark to see anything, let alone enjoy the place. He apologized for having driven me all the way to a hopelessly dark place. Funny him, it was he who drove hard- while I was happily sleeping all the way! He also taught me about a lot of things- worlds I haven’t explored much yet- but really want to, when I get the company that suits- biking, hiking, snorkeling, skiing, snow-shoeing and what not! We also went on the New year night to see the fireworks in space needle (I call it the Seattle version of CN tower in Toronto). Not much of a sight it was, the smoke from the initial fireworks, combined with the low clouds & fog- made a most unwelcome mixture of smog- even as the on-lookers tried to keep up their spirits up with hurrahs to overlook the bad show!

The most important aspect of the trip ofcourse is that my bro and I got to be together for more than a week after a long time. And realized yet again how important it is to get together often! For we still didn’t get enough personal time together! See you soon my blog!

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