Sunday, August 26, 2012

My journey against induced religion conversion

I have Christian friends very close to my heart. My intention is far from hurting them. It is just that I hate the propaganda made by some people to turn non Christians into Christians. According to me no religion is good or bad (atleast, mine is not). It’s just the beliefs you grow up with, the unique festivals you cherish and the moral support the religion gives you at trying times. I see no reason to change religion just for the morals or the particular GOD. So my dear Christian friends, I would request you to please stay away from this blog if it can hurt your beliefs. In case you are curious and want to read on, please leave your comments. So here I was, travelling from Trichy to Tirupur to attend a friend’s wedding. Sitting in an unreserved compartment with my back to the toilet wasn’t an enriching experience, if not for the lady who was sitting next to me. She was this person questioning a lot of college girls about how the world evolved. At first I thought she was trying to sell quiz books, before I figured out she was trying to sell Jesus. The college girls were laughing to each other without being able to express their chagrin. Others on the compartment were annoyed too, but weren’t very expressive. Thankfully, there was a girl on the other side with whom I had become friends during the journey. I was commenting to her for each statement being made by this lady. Lady: “Jesus created oxygen” Me:”Oh is it? We should start planting Jesus instead of trees”! Then the train stopped at a station. This lady and her neice started eating oranges and throwing the peels right on the platform. I was watching this, very irritated. There was another group of illiterate vendors who had joined the ladies compartment by then. So this lady’s job became much easier. But I decided to make her job difficult and confronted her one to one. Lady: “You know why we are brown? Because God created us from mud. Me: “Then why are foreigners white? Lady: “Maybe he created them from beach sand?” Me: Hmm interesting.. Lady: Sun raises and falls due to god. Me: If the whole world is God’s, why sunset and sunrise are at different times in different places? Lady: I don’t know, ask God. Me: You are the one who told about God. Why should I ask him and not you? Lady: (Chooses to ignore) Lady: The world is going to end as Jesus announced. There are wars, earthquakes and diseases. These are the signs of the world ending. Me: But these things happened during the first world war also. How are you telling it is this year? Lady: Different people make such propaganda that world will end this year and that. It is not true. Don’t trust them. It is only this year that world will end. Lady: People pray to Velankani matha. Don’t do that. She could not save her own place during floods (This lady is a protestant and does not believe in Mary worship) Me: The whole world is Jesus’s anyways. So why is he not protecting it from floods? Lady: You know how the world started? God created Adam and Eve. Me: Ever heard of theory of evolution? Lady: You are an educated person, you must not speak such nonsense Me: Wow! Lady: God shed his blood to remove your sins. Not even your own son will do that. Me: If you are hospitalized and need blood immediately, will you ask your son or God? Lady: Oh well, I will ask God and he will send my son. Meanwhile some ladies in the train were giving their support to me from outside. Me: You were throwing orange skin on the platform. People might skid and fall down because of it. Isn’t that a sin you do knowingly? Why do you do such sins and expect god to shed his blood for it? Lady: Oh, I am sorry for that. You are really attacking me. Lady continues her crap about how other religions pray stone deities, trees and even the sun. This, according to her is the height of disrespect for God. People are worshiping the petty things that were created by God instead of worshiping the God himself. She was pleading we didn’t fall to such vicious propaganda. Me: Supporting your religion is fine, but you have no right to defame other religions. Lady: No, I never spoke ill of other religions. Me: The whole compartment in chorus: You defamed Hinduism from the very beginning. We’ve been keeping mum and you are just going on non-stop. You better shut up right now. (yayyyyyy! So here is my success. Atlast I’ve got a whole bunch of women to realize that they don’t have to take crap like this. ) Lady shuts up and moves on to buy watermelons. Another Christian enters the conversation. She comes to me and says, “Girl, you are so intelligent. If only you read bible, you can become a doctor” Me: “Oh, I am already an engineer. Can you get me a medical seat?” (The coach laughs with me) Another drunk Christian man enters the ladies compartment. Now I just keep mum. Few other ladies take care of him “Out you go, this is a ladies compartment and you have no place. We just shut up that lady, we don’t want you here” This lady is a true beliver.. She continues her third innings after a while. Lady: “Because Adam and Eve ate apple, god cursed man that he should shed sweat to get his food and woman that she should suffer in child birth” Me: So unlike God. Why did he punish the entire human race for two people’ s mistakes? Lady: You look like a Christian yourself, aren’t you? Me: Really? I wouldn’t be so pleased.. The lady believed that when she goes to heaven, Jesus will question why she didn’t educate the people on the train coach about him. She was saying that Hindus are people are conviction and when they turn to Christianity, they will get closer to God even faster than Christians. She was saying that there were so many Hindu turned Christians who were leading them at the churches. The lady was shut up for the third time, by all women now. It was time for me to get down now. I handed over my responsibility to another bold woman on the coach before I got down. The lady blessed me and said that I will soon get Jesus’s blessing. Eagerly awaiting that! My original intention was to break the lady’s confidence from canvassing like this in a public place. But she seemed to be so bound to her duty. But I was happy that I could educate so many women on the way that this propaganda is crap and they should do their bit to discourage it. I was the heroine, who played the revolution 


  1. Hmmm.. Interesting read Vandana akka.. I do agree with u on induced religion. Reminds me of one of the discussions we had late in the night !!! :) Wont b able to answer all ur qns in one comment :P but I'd quote the bible : “And you will know the truth, and that truth will set you free.” - John 8:32. Jesus is God or no, only one of it is the truth... Its not abt religion.. Its about our very life - Every individual. We in singular will know the truth and the truth will set us free. I believe that.

  2. Hi Vandana,

    Loved this blog. Two things basically attracted me to your blog -
    1. Trichy (my wife lived there for almost 10+ years there before our marriage) and
    2. forced/induced religion (especially the Christian context as I am a Christian too!)

    Also, I liked the conversational style of articulating. Now my response is primarily two pronged:

    1. Can any religion be forced on anyone?

    - YES, it is quite possible. However, in this case we would have to explore if religion here is a mere cultural manifestation of certain aspects of one's life.

    The reality and meaning that religion brings to an individual's life will continue to remain interwoven with the cultural practices associated with that religion and not beyond that framework.

    2. Can Christianity be forced on anyone?

    - Historically speaking the answer is Yes. For example Constantine committed the grave blunder of proclaiming his entire empire Christian showing no concern to what his subjects felt about. This resulted in cultural rebranding and renaming but with no essential change in the cultural practices of those people.

    - Philosophically / Logically speaking the answer is No. The reason being, Christianity is probably one religion that has no cultural practices uniquely associated with it. That is the reason why you will find so many branches of Christianity and practiced in so many ways in different ways in different geographical locations.

    Also, it will be hard to continue being a Christian just on the outside in order to gain some physical or monetary benefit. Because, Jesus Himself warned that following Him is no easy journey. And in-fact the biggest reward true followers of Christ expect is primarily in the after-life - Jesus called this reward - eternal life - for those who trust in His death and resurrection for forgiveness of their sinfulness (not just sins alone-we are born sinners). The Bible says, All have sinned and fallen short of what God expects.

    I have Hindu/Muslim/Sikh/Buddhist friends. We discuss some of these religious issues every once in a while - in an atmosphere of mutual respect. I feel sad that you experienced disrespect in that train journey. I hope you will not throw the baby with the dirty bathwater! There is never a reason why anyone will have to be unkind or rude to someone who has a different disposition than what we may have.

    Finally, TRUTH by nature is exclusive, and there is such a thing as objective truth. And the one who seeks the Truth earnestly, shall find it.

    The Bible says Jesus Christ is God's expression of Love and Jesus said, I am the Way, Truth and Life. Truth will ultimately triumph in the fulfillment of Love. Satyameve Jayate!

  3. @Dolly-Was surprised to see u to be the first one to comment, as I hadn't shared the new post with anyone.But thanks :)
    @Joseph-I am not sure if we have a common friend, but thanks a lot for your compliments.
    @Dolly and Joseph- I could only partially understand your POV about truth and the Jesus being beyond religion. But I guess both of you are making the same point here.
    Well Joseph, you made a good point regarding the fact that religion cannot be logically forced on anyone. My problem is exactly that, when it comes to induced conversion. I know people who are torn between their original religion(Hinduism, for example) and the preached one(christianity) without understanding either of it deeply. This happens because the idea of Jesus is brought to them by an outsider at an emotional moment or in emotional ways. (let alone the conversions for monetary and caste system benefits). Majority of conversions qualify this case, and I am sure they will not be able to reach Jesus, even if he happens to be the only truth, as I understand that is the ultimate goal. On the other hand, if a person voluntary approached a(any) religion due to their own interest, there is a good chance that they have a conviction associated with it, and I would respect that.

    I also have a different viewpoint regarding sinning. How can we be born sinners? If we always fall short of what God expects, what does God really expect? Why are his expectations so high? Imagine being your mom's baby. When you are born, she tells you that no matter what you do, you will always fall short of my expectations and I am the only one who can help you reach your ultimate fulfillment. How is that fair in any way to the child? Shouldn't he be given a chance, afterall?

  4. @vandanaka I hav subscribed to ur blog, hence got to comment first ;) We shud catch up sometime.. its been real long !!!

    Regarding God's expectation :
    In the christian perspective, God did not create us with sin but Sin entered by the devil tricking Adam and Eve ,thus we have the sinful nature and no human can deny that we have a sinful nature.
    What does God really expects ? Honesty. We all sin but an honest repentance and an honest effort not to repeat it is important.

    An honest faith - like that of child that believes in the love of a father who forgives.
    Jesus is the father who forgives - he did not come to condemn us but to set us free from the bondage of sin.

    This is a fair chance that God gives, and him being God, he looks at the heart and knows who is really honest and who is faking !!
    We are all given "free will" or "choice" and that is a fair chance that God has given us. He never forces himself on anybody. It is up to them to choose.
    That is why we Christians believe in a relationship with God. That is how we interact, and that is a way of life. Its not proofs that converts a person but the relationship.
    It is more important to have an honest relationship with Jesus as an individual than to appear to be sinless in front of others.

    On another note : I reallyyyyy miss our long night chats abt simply everything kaa !!!!
    Do u still write ur poems ?? any new additions ??

    @Joseph : Very interesting response. The point where you said that Christianity does not have many cultural practices and Christianity is beyond specific cultures is thought provoking.. I have not thought in that angle. Its a good and valid point.
    Thanks for sharing that.

  5. Hi Dolly, I can only view comments from office, but can't sign in and reply. I do miss our carefree chats A LOT. Marriage brings too much responsibilities and accountability! :( I write poems sometimes... will share...
    I do agree with the fact that it is important to be sinless than show urselves as sinless. I am sorry for the people who haven't understood this point (in all religions :) )

  6. This was once-upon-a-time daily scene from pallavaram to nungambakkam train journey while I was studying in Loyola College ! I really used to get so much irritated those times !!

    Loved your writing .You have given the apt reply to that lady and I had a good laugh at those conversations 😀

    Keep writing ✍️
