Tuesday, September 22, 2009

why do people like these stuff?

Hi friends,

I have been having a few questions of late:

(1) Why do people like to listen to different renditions of the same song, though the music remains the same?

For example, the original movie song is probably the best (though not always), but still people love to listen them being resung by singers on stages and even participants in competitions.

I can u'stand one reason could be that it is a very different experience listening to music live than recorded. But we even love to watch others sing on TV. Why?

(2) There are so many novels on earth that we still haven't read. But why do we have authors writing new books and people wanting to read the latest novels?

Again, one reason could be that these books will be contemporary and we can relate to it better. Any other reason?

(3) Why are blogs so popular? I can understand if people google to search for facts. But how is it that people are interested in knowing the opinions of other people (which are usually what blogs are), even of people they don't personally know.

(4) Why do people write blogs in the first place?

If you can think of more answers, please, please do comment below :)


  1. ok... lemme try to answer
    (1) donno much abt y ppl like live concerts but on TV i think its mostly bcoz of the common ppl who sing it... It really amuses ppl when they c/hear common ppl like them perform soo well on TV... and also the music on TV shows is very minimal so the intricacies of the song are revealed more... so some song that we wud have thot to b easy mite not b so... so i guess ppl are interested in such renditions of songs...

  2. (2)I guess everybody who reads, also at some level wants to write a book of their own.. so as long as ppl write... ppl will read...

  3. (3)Its nice to kno wat other ppl think... different view points which wud hav never occured to us.... ppl whom we kno, we mite b able to predict their reactions to a certain extent but unknown ppl can give very honest opinions and also express themselves more openly since there are no strings attached to ppl who might read the blog...

  4. (4) Nowadays ppl don hav ime to actually talk to other sometimes worse they don hav ppl to talk to !!! ( Thank God we have frends, n can talk for hrs together)... Everybody needs to express themselves in some way or the other, so maybe they choose to publish their thots n experiences, thus getting to talk to ppl known or unknown and also making frens.... This is jus 1 reason sad reason.... there cud be many more genuine reasons...

  5. (1) Why do people like to listen to different renditions of the same song, though the music remains the same?

    Just for variety. You like eating dosa. Why do you eat dosa in different places. Why not go home and prepare dosa everytime you want to eat one?? (Bad analogy I guess ;-) )

    (2) There are so many novels on earth that we still haven't read. But why do we have authors writing new books and people wanting to read the latest novels?

    I don't think its true that ppl want to read latest novels only. Else hoe do u explain the various editions and reprints of many novels and books. Another reason I feel is that each person like a particular genre of books. So theoretically they may run out of choice in their genres. Hence buy latest books :)

    (3) Why are blogs so popular? I can understand if people google to search for facts. But how is it that people are interested in knowing the opinions of other people (which are usually what blogs are), even of people they don't personally know.

    I think its because it lets you know the unbiased opinion of people individually, rather than opinions and viewpoints chosen by others(tv press etc). Plus if your view matched with the blogger on a couple of issues, you can probably get a perspective similar to yours on the other issues u dont know about..

    (4) Why do people write blogs in the first place?

    Its a matter of self expression.And to me its also like a diary, which I can go back to and read later. In future my todays posts will let me know in the future how I thought in my mid twenties..

    I have a question to add...

    Why do people like me comment/reply to such insane list of questions ???

    Probably bcos I have nothing else better to do ;-) hehe..

  6. Thanks for that insight Dolly and Prashanth! One more instance where I think blogs are useful- when you want to plan a trip. You can find a lot of unbiased suggestions on which places to visit on a tour, where to stay, how to plan, to go by bus or car etc. I think blogs r the best for that....

  7. (1) Why do people like to listen to different renditions of the same song, though the music remains the same?

    As u have said it is correct that people would like to listen the same song when others make it up in Orchestra and TV shows,

    my reason is - the singers there try to serve their best as it is a kind of competition.

    one more reason - people would like to watch these kind of performances by various participants which could keep their mind cool

    rather than watching some films or mega serials that are emotion filled with various characters.

    (2) There are so many novels on earth that we still haven't read. But why do we have authors writing new books and people wanting to read the latest novels?

    I think it differs from person to person. some are still looking out for those that haven't read. some people as u said looking for new ones.

    (3) Why are blogs so popular? I can understand if people Google to search for facts.

    But how is it that people are interested in knowing the opinions of other people (which are usually what blogs are), even of people they don't personally know.

    Normally in blogs, people come up with personal incidents happened in their life and the views related to it.

    blogs come under the (one to many) relation. only when a person is interested to share something to others, they add it in blog.

    people being interested in blogs of others will look to learn some new things, can learn from other's mistakes and experience.

    I think it is possible to view a blog only if the person is known personally bcoz it is secure. Or can say that people might be interested in other’s life.

    (4) Why do people write blogs in the first place?

    I don’t have much idea about the blogs, so not sure whether people would normally write the blog in first place or anywhere else.

    but from my point of view, I think that people who writes the blog in the first place are interested that their blogs to be read by other people.

    can expose their talents and would reach another easily if it is kept in the first place.
