Sunday, April 21, 2024


He hit her for years,

she begged him not to;

One day she tried to defend,

that made him surge in rage;

He slapped her even more,

and caused a eardrum hole;

But now, they are both victims,

because she chose to defend, afterall!


He used her as the money machine,

as she lovingly closed his loans in lakhs.

He chose to spend without keeping tabs,

claimed she had no right to ask questions.

But now, they are both victims,

because one day, she drew boundaries, afterall!


He threw the food she cooked on the floor,

and made her clean, a way of control.

The woman should earn and split the bills,

but also run the house with impeccable skills

Sharing chores is not a man’s duty

But cooking for him is the woman’s duty

But now, they are both victims,

because one day, she stopped cooking for him, afterall!


She birthed the baby, nursed and fed him,

while dad roamed and played and partied in bliss;

Feeding was her job, playing was dad’s

Caring was her job, outing was dad’s

But now, they both have equal rights

For dad gave the surname, afterall!

For years, she slogged and built a home,

as he abused her in ways unknown

One day, she chose to break the silence

hoping to put an end to the violence

But now,  somehow, they are both victims,

because she dared to make her story well-known!


A satirical dig at how our society views abuse from the lens of "neutrality".  Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.