Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Fund-raise with me- Together, let’s send a parent- less kid to college

The impact we leave on the world around us adds an undeniable layer of meaning to our lives. Education is one of my favorite tools to make an impact. No single cause changes a life like Education does, I bet on that!

When I lived in Bangalore, I had the pleasure of being associated with this lovely org called Samarthanam. Read more here.

Ever since I moved to Chennai, it has prodded my mind that I haven’t done much towards social responsibility. Time is sparse, being the typical excuse. A lot of my friends share the same predicament. Donating some money for a good cause is always a possibility, but the biggest challenge is making sure that our donation reaches the right hands.

Introducing Team Everest:
I started noticing KartheeVidhya in Dec 2014. At the same time I quit my career at HCL to become a full-time mom, Karthee quit his corporate job at CTS do full-time volunteering. This somehow touched a chord and I have since been closely following his remarkable work towards education through Team Everest- the organization he founded long before he quit CTS.

What impressed me the most?
(1)The emphasis on volunteering: Team Everest zealously encourages everyone to dedicate one day every month to volunteering.
(2)Clear vision and transparency about what they want to achieve.
(3)More than just money- Team Everest encourages you to contribute beyond money. They provide every opportunity to contribute your time and skill-set towards a wonderful cause.

Fund raising for “I am the change” scholarship
Currently, I am fund-raising for Team Everest’s “I am the change” scholarship.
In a nutshell, this money will go towards the college education of parentless and single parented kids, who are both academically good and financially challenged.

Why do I endorse this?
(1)I am happy about the way they screen the students they want to sponsor through eight step verification process.

(2)They go way beyond just sponsoring the college fees. They make the students job ready and life ready in every possible way- from skill development training programmes to finding internship and employment opportunities.
(3)A chance for us as donors to interact with, and in fact mentor the student we sponsor, which is extremely gratifying.
(4)A thoroughly professional, transparent and visionary approach that I admire deeply.

Click on this link to contribute any amount of your choice through my fund raising page.

Do you have more questions?

Click on these links to learn more.
I am the change programme

Student selection process


Scholar stories

More about Team Everest and their work

Spare a few minutes for me right here. It’s a smart way to build a better India and feel good about it.